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Indian Air Force Agniveer Non-Combatant Intake 01/2022:- Indian Air Force has released a recruitment notification for filling up vacancy posts of AgniveerVayu Non-Combatant. Eligible / Interested Unmarried Male candidates can apply in prescribed application format on or before 25.10.2022. Other details like educational qualification, age limit, selection process& how to apply are given below……..

Total No. of the Posts: Not Mentioned

Name of the Post: Agniveervayu Non-Combatant

Age Limit: Born not earlier than 31.10.1999 and not later than 30.06.2005. (both dates inclusive)

Qualification: Matriculation (10th) Passed.

Fees: There is no application form fee for eligible candidates.

Pay Scale:

  • 1st year Monthly Package: Rs. 30000/- (Rs. 21000/- Cash in Hand & Rs. 9000/- for Agniveer Corps Fund)
  • 2nd year Monthly Package: Rs. 33000/- (Rs. 23100/- Cash in Hand & Rs. 9900/- for Agniveer Corps Fund)
  • 3rd year Monthly Package: Rs. 36500/- (Rs. 25580/- Cash in Hand & Rs. 10950/- for Agniveer Corps Fund)
  • 4th year Monthly Package: Rs. 40000/- (Rs. 28000/- Cash in Hand & Rs. 12000/- for Agniveer Corps Fund)
  • Discharge After 4 Year: Rs 10.04 Lakh (Without Interest) rewarded as Seva Nidhi Package (Without any Tax).

Selection Process: Selection will be based on performance in the Written Test & Phyisical Test.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates can apply in prescribed application format along with self attested copies of testimonials. (Rs. 10/- Stamp on Postal Card).  The applicant has to be send their filled application form to postal address. Postal Address Given in Official Detail.

Important Dates:

  • Closure Dates: 25.10.2022